Monday, October 22, 2012

Mostly people Respect our Attribute, Not ourselves

When we dress glamorously, people respect us. 
When we dress untidily, people disrespect us.
Evidently, people respect the clothes we wear, NOT ourselves.

Similarly, when we have a high position in the hierarchy, people respect and look up to us, even trying hard to get close to us. 
However, when we don't have any position, people disrespect and create distance with us.
Evidently, people respect our position, Not us.

That what humans are in general. 
Many people understand the meaning of Sincerity but don't have it. 
Many people are blinded by wealth and power that they have that make them forget the essence of being a human.

[Pd saat kita berpakaian bagus & mahal, org2 menghormati kita,
Pd saat kita berpakaian compang camping, org2 Tidak menghormati kita,
Ternyata, org menghormati pakaian yg melekat kita, bukan diri kita.

Pd saat kita memiliki kedudukan tinggi, org2 berebut2 dekat dg kita & menghormati kita,
Pd saat kita Tidak memiliki kedudukan apa2, org2 menjauh & Tidak menghormati kita,
Ternyata org  menghormati kedudukan kita, bukan diri kita.

Itulah manusia pd umumnya.
Byk manusia tau arti kata ketulusan, tp tidak memiliki Ketulusan.
Byk manusia disilaukan kekayaan yg melekat & kedudukan/power yg disandang, shg melupakan esensi keberadaan manusia.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Aborigin Vs Mauri

Suku asli Australia (Aussie) adalah suku Aborigin.
Suku Aborigin tidak boleh sekolah oleh pemerintah Aussie.
Suku Aborigin dibebaskan minum2an keras oleh Pemerintah Aussie.
Suku Aborigin mendptkan uang santunan dr Pemerintah.
Suku Aborigin mudah 'dibeli'.
Kelihatannya suku Aborigin di-'manja'-kan oleh Pemerintah Aussie. Pdhl kenyataannya suku Aborigin dibuat Bodoh dan diciptakan Habit/kebiasaan bermalas2an.
80% penjara berisikan org2 Aborigin.

Berbeda dg suku Mauri (suku asli New Zealand). 
Suku Mauri sangat SETIA KAWAN, Tidak bisa 'dibeli'/disuap, memiliki VALUE yg tinggi.
Suku Mauri bekerja keras dan Tidak mau diberi fasilitas2 oleh pemerintah (krn mmg tidak bs 'dibeli').
Shg suku Mauri sgt dihormati sampe dg hari ini.

Sering dlm hidup terjadi dg kita.
Apa yg tampaknya 'enak', 'full fasilitas' dan 'nyaman' membuat kita terbuai dan langsung beranggapan betapa baiknya org tsb thd kita.
Kita lupa dg habit/kebiasaan buruk yg diciptakan dalam hidup kita. Konsekuensi dr habit/kebiasaan tsb, kita sendr yg tanggung. 
Apapun yg diberikan/ditawarkan ke kita, lbh baik kita pikirkan Konsekuensi BURUK apa yg harus kita tanggung apabila hal tsb sdh menjadi habit/kebiasaan kita. Kalo konsekuensinya Buruk thd kita, lbh baik kita tolak kenyamanan sesaat tsb.

Salam Mauri

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life in balancing

Lesson from accident:

We need all our part of body, eventhough only our tiny finger.
That's y we hv to make sure that our part of body is healthy.
That's what I've called 'BALANCING'. Balancing of our body to achieve Healthiness and good functionional.

From that thought, I was enlightment that BALANCING in LIFE is Very bery important.

Balancing in all aspect, which is:
*Real life-Religion(meditation/praying)
*Delicious food-healthy food

If one of those is not in balance ( or even worse: broken), then it will effect the rest..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Filsafat Bolak Balik versi Veron

Filsafat Bolak Balik :
Masih muda, korbankan kesehatan cari harta. Sudah tua, korbankan harta cari kesehatan.

Karena harta, orang asing menjadi seperti saudara. Karena harta, saudara menjadi seperti orang asing.

Orang kaya mampu beli ranjang enak, tapi gak bisa tidur enak (stress...euiii). Orang miskin gak mampu beli ranjang enak, tapi bisa tidur enak (capek jadi kuli...)

Orang kaya punya duit buat foya-foya, tapi gak punya waktu. Orang miskin punya waktu buat foya-foya, tapi gak punya duit.

Masih muda, pengen jadi kaya biar nikmatin kekayaan, Udah kaya, gak punya waktu buat nikmatin kekayaan. Sekali punya waktu buat nikmatin kekayaan, udah keburu tua gak ada tenaga...

My personal comment:
Filsafat yg salah yg beredar di masy shg masy qt tambah miskin, malas & apatis~Veron

Mumpung muda, manfaatkan wkt dg baik utk cari harta & olah raga. Biar wkt tua, punya harta utk dinikmati.

Dengan harta, orang asing bs menjadi seperti saudara. Dg harta, bisa bantu saudara & membahagiakan ortu.

Orang kaya bs tidur enak dg ranjang yg nyaman dan mahal. Orang miskin gak mampu beli ranjang enak, ga bisa tidur enak krn pusing bsk makan apa..

Orang kaya punya duit buat foya-foya KAPANPUN. Orang miskin punya waktu buat foya-foya, tapi gak punya duit (kasihan)

Wkt muda, pengen jadi kaya biar nikmatin kekayaan; stlh kaya, bs nikmatin kekayaan sesukanya kpnpun dimanapun. Wkt muda, mindset salah ttg uang & kaya shg ga kerja sungguh2, (krn penganut aliran 'Filsafat bolak balik' yg beredar), buang wkt utk menyalahkan & mengeluh; stlh tua, sakit ga ada biaya baru menyadari pentingnya uang & kaya, tp terlambat, dan Lagi2 menyalahkan keadaan!
Cheers, Veron

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sahabat sejati

Seorg teman yg sll ingin meminta, yg berbicara tp tdk berbuat, yg hanya pandai menjilat, yg menyertai kita dlm kesalahan. Inilah musuh yg menyamar sbg teman. Ke4 jenis teman ini adlh lawan. Seorg yg bijaksana akan menghindari mrk, mrk merup jalan yg berbahaya. Seorg teman yg sll mengulurkan tangan, seorg teman dlm susah maupun senang, yg memberikan nasehat yg bijaksana, yg penuh simpatik. Mrk merup 4 jenis SAHABAT SEJATI!

Sehrsnya seseorg berteman dg org bijaksana, yg dpt menunjukkan kesalahan2nya, yg dpt memberikan nasehat& peringatan,bagaikan seseorg yg dpt menunjukkan tempat tersimpannya harta karun! Dg org spt itulah, sehrsnya seseorg bergaul! Pergaulan yg dmk itu akan membawa kebaikan, bukan kemerosotan! ~Dhammapada Vl, 76

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eastern Vs Western abt growing up their kids

Don't u think western culture on growing up their kids are more sensable than Chinese culture?

C the chinese people, who do the parents work for?? For the kids future they said.. And when the kids have grown up, the kids have no struggle and fighting spirit, coz their parents have already given all they need in financial for their 'future'
Then, C what happen to the parents?? They live depend on their kids' charity & responsibility in financial. And if their growing up kids don't have a charity sense and not responsibilty enough, what happen to the parents? The parents live in broken heart and frustation. After the whole life work for the kid's future, and here it is, take what has left for the parents. If nothing's left, well.. Live as it is u could..

Sometime what the western has taken for their life, is not wrong. We have judged as if they live too individually & egoist. Actually, they don't.

Like Kahlil Gibran's prophet; Kahlil Gibran said that we do not own our kids. So, when the time kids can stand on their own feet-when kids have grown up on their working age, let the Nature Law takes control. Let them fight for their own life. The parents' obligate have finished.

So, the parents work for growing up their kids till time they can work on their own, then the parents can work for THEMSELVES preparing their pension money. So the parents do not need depend on their kids' charity. When the parents have passed away and still got money left, the kids may have it as inherited.

But If we follow our society culture about this, then we will never pension! We are pension when time for us to be sick and lay on the bed. Then when will the parents enjoy their life ???? Only when the parents were kid?????

Even, wedding party shd be on the bride and the broom's cost, not the parents cost. The parents have no obligate to hold a wedding party for their kids at our society standard.
The person who plan for their wedding party shd be on their work age and has a job. What a very glamorious & expensive wedding party for, if the new wed couple's financial life after marriage is so-so?