Sunday, June 1, 2008


Whatever & whoever ur challenges are, never afraid nor give up. We are absolutely BIGGER than those challenges. As long as we ADMIT our mistakes, as long as we want to LEARN, as long as we want to PAY, as long as we do ONLY our BEST, and as long as we still HEALTHY & HAVE DAYS, therefore we still have CHANCES to be a WINNER. What i've seen people around me, mostly they donot realize the power within them. Though they are overseas graduated, they are surrender and give up towards --what i call-- CHALLENGES.

(Apapun & siapapun tantanganmu, jangan pernah takut atau menyerah. Kita pasti lebih besar dari pada tantangan2 tsb. Selama kita mengakui kesalahan2 kita, selama kita mau belajar, selama kita mau membayar, selama kita melakukan hanya yang terbaik, selama kita masih sehat & mempunyai hari, maka kita masih mempunyai kesempatan2 utk menjadi pemenang. Saya melihat orang2 disekeliling saya, kebanyakan mereka tidak menyadari kekuatan didalam diri mereka sendiri. Meskipun mereka lulusan luar negeri, mereka menyerah dan meninggalkan --apa yg saya sebut sebagai-- TANTANGAN)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Veron, it is a good motivation, I really like it.I see part of them are working in you.
Don't you know your Scorpion traditional traits are speaking for itself, here are some of them:
Determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, powerful and passionate, exciting and magnetic