Sunday, September 21, 2008

Start from ourselves

It's a great HAPPINESS can make others happy...
If we arenot happy, how can we make our fam, frenz, ppl ard us & others to be happy?

It's a great FEELING can help others...
If we don't have money, how can we help others?

It's a great BLESSED having frenz who always honest to us.....
If we don't honest to ourselves, how can we ask others to be honest?

It's a great HONOR to be respected by others.....
If we arenot respect ourselves how can we ask others to respect us?

It's a great LIFE to be loved....
If u want to be loved, Love!

Friday, September 12, 2008


We cannot predict what happen in hours......
We cannot predict our friends' character & heart....

Frenz who've ever said that they were ur frenz, suddenly they betray u......
Frenz who've ever promised & said they meant every words they said, suddenly they didnot keep it.....
Frenz who've ever said that they were a fren indeed, suddenly they left u just like that without saying goodbye...
Frenz who've claimed that they were gentlemen, after got a little problem--we found them as a coward...

Human being got many species.....
What ever species ur frenz are, never be a part of it...
Every emotion got its consequences,
Every thought got its consequences,
Every decision got its consequences,
Every action got its consequences...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Love All Serve All

To Love is to give
To Love is to service
To Love is to sacrifice

"Love All Serve All"
It sounds very simple, but difficult to applied
How wonderful this earth if each of us loves all & serves all..

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Sering kita tidak menyadari kalau semua perkara yang ada karena adanya aksi yang kemudian disusul reaksi. Yang sering terjadi adalah menyalahkan reaksi/ kondisi yang terjadi kemudian. Memang dengan demikian lebih mudah untuk mencari kambing hitam atau lari dari tanggung jawab. Hal demikian menunjukkan suatu karakter ketidak-gentleman-an dan ketidakberanian menghadapi & mengambil konsekuensi. Sedangkan yang namanya konsekuensi selalu 1 paket dengan segala aksi, dengan segala keputusan, dengan segala tindakan. Banyak yang sudah tahu dengan keberadaan konsekuensi. Meskipun demikian, masih banyak juga yang tetap lari dari konsekuensi dengan segala upaya... What a pity... Apabila mau menyadari lebih dalam lagi, maka meskipun melarikan diri dari konsekuensi dengan menghalalkan segala carapun, tetap akan diikuti oleh konsekuensi-konsekuensi lainnya yang juga merupakan 1 paket dari pelarian diri tersebut. Malah konsekuensi-konsekuensi berikutnya tersebut lebih besar lagi dibanding konsekuensi yang pertama. Sayangnya, masih banyak yang lebih memilih melarikan diri.... Sadarkah mereka akan konsekuensi susulan yang lebih besar & berat tersebut? Sampai kapan mereka akan terus berlari dari tumpukan bola salju konsekuensi yang tambah lama tambah membesar?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Right Thing To Do

What matters is that you understand that others suffer,...some...
worse than u could ever do. The nature of compassion isn't coming to terms with ur own suffering and applying it to others. It's knowing that other folks around u suffer, and no matter what happens to u, no matter how lucky or unlucky u are, they keep suffering. And if u can do something about that, u do it, and u do it without whining or waving ur own... cross for the world to see. You do it because IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
(by Irish author John Connolly)

Manipulasi Realitas

Manipulasi realitas sering terjadi tanpa kita sadari, juga paling sering & paling populer dipakai beberapa oknum untuk kepentingan pribadi/ organisasi. Bagaimana memanipulasi realitas?
Sebelumnya perlu kita ketahui bahwa setiap detail keadaan yang kita alami terdiri atas:
1. Diri kita sendiri
2. Orang lain/ pihak lain
3. Lingkungan/ kondisi
4. Waktu
Oleh sebab itu, bila satu elemen saja berubah, dirubah atau dihilangkan, maka gambaran keseluruhan sudah pasti ikut berubah. Jadi bila diri kita sendiri, pihak lain, & waktunya sama, tapi kondisinya telah berubah, dan kejadian tersebut diberitakan dengan memakai kondisi yang telah dirubah, maka realitas yang diberitakan sudah pasti berbeda & memiliki arti yang sangat berbeda pula. Inilah yang saya sebut sebagai Manipulasi Realitas..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love is like Infinity

LOVE is like infinity:

You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite."

Infinity just is, and that's the way I think LOVE is, too...

How Important You Can Be

If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.

(Jika saja kamu dapat merasakan betapa pentingnya kamu bagi orang2 yang kamu temui, betapa kamu dapat menjadi penting bagi orang yang mungkin tidak pernah kamu mimpikan. Ada sesuatu pada dirimu yang kamu tinggalkan pada setiap pertemuan dengan orang lain)

We Can't Wipe a Moment -How Simple & Little Those Moments Are-

I've just back from Japan-Hawaii. An incentive trip that i got from my company (Sequislife). There were some moments we went shopping. During shopping time, i saw some hand-bags, there's a bag that suitable for my Mom..... i almost buy for my Mom..... 3 seconds later i remembered that my Mom has gone. When i bought lipsticks, i saw the typical colour that my Mom like, i almost buy for her... then i realized she has gone.. Yet still deep inside me i wanted to buy it for my Mom, coz i know it's her favorite typical colour.. I'm very sad that i can't buy things again for her... Every time i go overseas, i used to buy things for her, now i cannot do it again... 1 habit that i cannot do again now.. My habit every time i go abroad is buying somethings for my family, my friends, & my team to show that i still remember them whenever i go, to give my little attention to them, & to share my joyous trip with them.. It seems a very common & a very simple habit that everyone do everytime go overseas, but, this very common & very simple habit can make us sad & feel a lost when we realize that we never can do it again for someone we love most.... Enjoy every moment --good & bad moments, little & big moments, common & uncommon moments, simple & important moments-- coz we never know when we cannot have those moments again..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Fat Dream


Cannot touch it,
As touching the sky.
Cannot feel it,
Like a fake love story.
Just dream it.

They spread wings,
Fly easily.
Stretch your arms,
It is not easy.

As a giant mountain,
Try to hug it.
Even it does not run,
How to hug it?

An imagination,
Just imagine.
Hard to follow,
Just bring a sorrow.

Dream is simply just a dream.

(Poem by Kohar Santoso--Secondary 3/ Anglo Chinese School-S'pore))

Kenikmatan Hidup Dalam Proses Kehidupan

Seorang bhiksu muda diminta gurunya untuk membeli minyak goreng di pasar yang terletak di kaki bukit,sebelum berangkat seorang juru masak di Vihara mengingatkannya, "Kita harus berhemat,keadaan keuangan kita menipis. Berhati hatilah,jangan sampai tumpah." Setelah membeli minyak tersebut di pasar,bhiksu muda itupun pulang. Dia berjalan dengan sangat berhati hati supaya minyak tersebut tidak tumpah dari cawannya. Setibanya di pintu,karena konsentrasinya bhiksu tersebut tidak memperhatikan adanya lubang di depan jalan sehingga terjatuh. Walaupun cawannya tidak pecah tetapi sepertiga dari minyak tersebut sudah tumpah ke jalan. Berpikir akan diketahui oleh juru masak dan ia pasti kena marah,Bhiksu muda itupun menangis sehingga dihampiri oleh gurunya. Gurunya berkata, "Sekarang pergilah kembali membeli minyak,tapi kali ini perhatikanlah jalan dan berjalanlah dengan santai dalam perjalanan kembali kesini dan setelah itu melaporlah ke saya." Bhiksu muda itu menuruti perintah gurunya dan dia turun sekali lagi ke kaki bukit untuk membeli minyak goreng. Di sepanjang perjalanan pulang bhiksu muda itu melihat pemandangan indah di sekelilingnya dan ia begitu menikmatinya. Tanpa disadari,dia sudah sampai di Vihara dengan selamat tanpa setetespun minyak tertuang dari cawan.

Pesan yang dapat kita ambil tersebut adalah: Seseorang yang pandai mencari kenikmatan hidup dalam proses memperjuangkan hidup mereka sajalah yang akan dapat merasakan hidup ini PENUH WARNA, BERARTI dan LUAR BIASA. Walaupun penuh dengan ujian dan tantangan tetapi jika mereka MENYIKAPINYA dengan positif maka merekalah yang benar benar menikmati PROSES hidup itu.


Whatever & whoever ur challenges are, never afraid nor give up. We are absolutely BIGGER than those challenges. As long as we ADMIT our mistakes, as long as we want to LEARN, as long as we want to PAY, as long as we do ONLY our BEST, and as long as we still HEALTHY & HAVE DAYS, therefore we still have CHANCES to be a WINNER. What i've seen people around me, mostly they donot realize the power within them. Though they are overseas graduated, they are surrender and give up towards --what i call-- CHALLENGES.

(Apapun & siapapun tantanganmu, jangan pernah takut atau menyerah. Kita pasti lebih besar dari pada tantangan2 tsb. Selama kita mengakui kesalahan2 kita, selama kita mau belajar, selama kita mau membayar, selama kita melakukan hanya yang terbaik, selama kita masih sehat & mempunyai hari, maka kita masih mempunyai kesempatan2 utk menjadi pemenang. Saya melihat orang2 disekeliling saya, kebanyakan mereka tidak menyadari kekuatan didalam diri mereka sendiri. Meskipun mereka lulusan luar negeri, mereka menyerah dan meninggalkan --apa yg saya sebut sebagai-- TANTANGAN)

Announcement & Special Thanks

Coz of some friends have requested some written in bahasa Indonesia, i'll do my best to write in bahasa, and if some written in English --which is more easier & faster for me-- i'll do my best to translate it as well.. My deeply thanks to my beloved sincere friends who always support & give attention to me.

(Karena ada beberapa teman yg request penulisan dalam bahasa Indonesia, saya akan lakukan yg terbaik utk menulis dlm bahasa Indonesia, dan jika ada bbrp penulisan dalam bhs Inggris --dimana lebih mudah & cepat bagi saya-- saya akan lakukan yg terbaik utk menterjemahkannya. Terima kasih sedalam2nya kpd teman2 yg saya cintai yg selalu mendukung & memberi perhatian kpd saya)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Understanding Love

Understanding love is one of the hardest things in the world.
Deep within us --no matter who we are-- there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable, of wanting to be the kind of person that others like to be with. And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved & capable of loving.
Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.

Not The Prizes

It's NOT the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life that ultimately nourish our souls. It's the knowing that we can be TRUSTED, that we NEVER HAVE TO FEAR the TRUTH, that the bedrock of our very being is FIRM.

Quiet Moments

How many times have you noticed that it's the little quiet moments in the midst of life that seem to give the rest extra-special meaning?

Take Picture

Setiap orang pasti pernah mengambil foto. Dulu saya kurang bagus dalam mengambil foto, dan kurang enjoy dalam mengambil foto, saya lebih suka di-foto... sampai saya pergi ke USA pada tahun 2005 selama 1 bulan dengan beberapa teman yang berprofesi sebagai arsitek. Salah satu dari teman tersebut menyukai photography, so dia mengajari saya sedikit tentang sudut pengambilan suatu gambar. Sejak itu saya jadi suka memfoto view tanpa orang. Saya jadi suka melihat pemandangan lewat lensa kamera. Apakah kalian pernah perhatikan bahwa 1 pemandangan bisa menghasilkan berbeda-beda foto? It's amazed me everytime i see scenery from a camera's lens. Itu semua tergantung dari sudut sisi mana kita membidik pemandangan tsb. Bergeser cuma beberapa centimeter aja kamera kita, hasil bidikan kita akan beda. Setiap bepergian ke luar negeri, kadang-kadang teman mengambil foto untuk saya, & hasilnya sering tidak seperti yang saya harapkan, sehinggal sometimes saya harus arahkan dulu sisi mana yg saya mau untuk dibidikkan..
Hidup kita mirip seperti aktifitas pengambilan foto tersebut. Seringkali kita menghadapi kondisi yang sama dalam hidup kita, tapi tiap individu mempunyai pandangan2 sendiri terhadap kondisi yang persis sama tersebut, karena masing2 dari kita membidik dari sudut2 yg berlainan. Seni membidik tersebutlah banyak yang tidak menguasai, sehingga ada yang bereaksi berlebihan, tidak bereaksi, bereaksi positif, bereaksi negatif, & ada yang bereaksi dengan sangat exciting.. Kemudian bila hasil dari bidikan (=reaksi) tsb adalah jelek, atau malah merugikan dikemudian hari, maka yang disalahkan adalah pemandangan (=kondisi) tsb. Anehkan?
Belajarlah seni mengambil foto yang bagus, supaya hasil foto tsb juga bagus & indah.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Memahami Spiral Naik & Turun

RELATIONSHIP atau yg disebut juga dengan HUBUNGAN. Hubungan bisa menjadi sangat rentan. Banyak pernikahan tidak langgeng, keluarga berantakan, sahabat yg sudah lama dibina menjadi retak, rekan kerja bertahun-tahun menjadi musuh. Apakah yang membuat putusnya hubungan2 ini padahal pada mulanya demikian penuh sukacita serta kasih?

Ada baiknya kita memandang kehidupan kita ibarat spiral. Terkadang kita berada di SPIRAL MENAIK. Ketika itulah segalanya berjalan lancar, keyakinan kita tinggi & kehidupan terasa menyenangkan. Hubungan-hubungan terpenting kita sehat & berkembang. Lawannya adalah SPIRAL MENURUN. Ketika itulah segalanya mulai berantakan, tidak ada komunikasi, stress meningkat, permusuhan terjadi & kehidupan terus menjadi pergumulan. Hubungan2 menjadi renggang selama spiral menurun.

Alam memberi kita versi dramatis dari spiral-spiral ini. Contohnya adalah angin ribut. Seperti spiral turun dari langit, angin ribut itu menyedot segalanya dengan akibat2 mengerikan. Film "Twister" karya Steven Spielberg memberikan tayangan jarak dekat dari spiral2 mengerikan ini, dan enerjinya yang luar biasa. Contoh lain dari spiral menurun adalah pusaran air. Di bagian luar pusaran air itu airnya tidak tampak terlalu bahaya. tetapi kalau kita tidak sadar akan kuasa luar biasa di pusatnya, kita bisa tersedot sangat cepat kedalamnya.

Katakan "TIDAK" kepada Orang-orang BERACUN
Dengarkanlah nasihat penting ini -- HINDARI orang-orang beracun ! Salah satu hal pertama yang disarankan oleh mentor sukses (Clement Stone) adalah mengevaluasi teman-teman kita. Lalu letakkan huruf N(=NAIK) disebelah nama setiap orang yang dg tulus memupuk & mendorong kita untuk menjadi orang besar & baik -- orang-orang yang bersikap positif, optimis, berorientasi kepada solusi, dan bersikap "aku bisa". Berikutnya letakkan T(=TURUN) disebelah nama orang-orang yang beracun -- orang-orang yang negatif, perengek, pengeluh, selalu menjatuhkan orang lain serta impian orang lain, yang umumnya pesimis, dan yang mencari keuntungan demi dirinya sendiri dg merugikan kita. Clement Stone menyuruh kita TIDAK LAGI melewatkan waktu dengan orang-orang yang bertanda T itu. Clement Stone mengajari bahwa kita akan menjadi seperti orang-orang dengan siapa kita bergaul.

Raja Bisnis Warren Buffet adalah salah seorang investor terkenal & paling sukses didunia sekarang ini. Perusahaannya, Berkshire-Hathaway, telah bertumbuh dari beberapa klien privat dg investasi tidak seberapa, menjadi usaha bernilai multimilyaran dollar. Mr. Buffet ini terkenal karena analisanya yg seksama & krn investasi2nya dlm peluang2 jangka panjang. Kalau angka2 itu disukainya, ia menghabiskan waktu menjumpai orang2 kunci dalam organisasi yang bersangkutan, mempelajari bagaimana mereka mengelola bisnisnya. Ia amati FILOSOFI mereka, bagaimana SIKAP mereka menghadapi masalah, mencari petunjuk2 yang mendemonstrasikan INTEGRITAS, KEJUJURAN & PENGALAMAN mereka, apakah mereka mempunyai PRINSIP yang dipegang teguh, dan seberapa TULUS & JUJUR mereka. Ketika semuanya itu selesai, 3 pertanyaan kunci menyangkut orang-orang kunci:
1. Apakah aku MENYUKAI mereka?
2. Apakah aku MEMPERCAYAI mereka?
3. Apakah aku MENGHORMATI mereka?

Kalau salah satu dari pertanyaan tersebut dijawab dengan "TIDAK", batallah niatnya. Tidak menjadi soal seberapa baik pun angka2nya, atau potensi pertumbuhannya. Ketiga pertanyaan sederhana tetapi sangat penuh kuasa inilah landasan bagi hubungan-hubungan Warren Buffet. Anutlah prinsip yang sama. Ujung-ujungnya itu akan menentukan seberapa kaya kita jadinya.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Whoever u are, wherever u are, there are people just like u

Whoever u are, wherever u are, there are people just like u all over the world.
Their skin, their homes, their schools, & their land maybe different from yours. Their lives & their words maybe different from yours. But inside..., their hearts are just like yours, whoever they are, wherever they are all over the world. Their smiles are like yours & their laugh just like u. Their hurts are like yours & they cry like u, too, whoever they are, wherever they are, all over the world.

When we are older, we maybe different, wherever u are, wherever they are, in this big~wide world. But remember this:
JOYS are the same & LOVE is the same.
PAIN is the same & BLOOD is the same.
SMILES are the same & HEARTS are just the same,
wherever they are, wherever u are, wherever we are, all over the world.

~Bring PEACE all over the world starting from YOU (^.~)

Activity Vs Achievement

There are 2 things that need to take our attention to reach our dream :
1. Activity is NOT the same as Achievement.
But achievement without activity is impossible. The marching ants, they do activity, which is marching. But, will they achieve something? Maybe yes, maybe no. Succsessful person does activity the same time with STRATEGY & has a TARGET that has to be achieved. That's the
different from the people who only do activity.
2. By following instruction from people who has lots of experiences, who also has a TARGET and whose his/her direction is for the positive & the progress' sake.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Reputasi Vs Karakter

'Apa yang kita lakukan DIDEPAN orang membentuk REPUTASI. Itulah hal-hal yang diucapkan para tamu tentang seseorang yang akan dimakamkan. Apa yang kita lakukan yang TIDAK diketahui orang lain, itulah KARAKTER. Ini adalah apa yang diucapkan malaikat didepan Tuhan tentang kita.'

Monday, April 21, 2008

Life is a Balancing

Life is a balancing between TO GIVE & TO TAKE, between to take care ourselves & to take care others. Next time, when u see someone is sad or desparate, better u muse what u can do for him/her than u've just passed him/her or u feel guilty coz can't help him/her. Maybe u can offer something as simple as a motivation word, or a smile that can make that person thinking with a new way about his/herself. Maybe u can help that person feel respected & loved. Start helping people close to u or around u. By helping others, indirectly helping urself..

Have a balancing life.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

2 Things that Often Forgotten

There'r 2 things that often forgotten by people, which are '"Understanding & Empathy". Succsess without understanding & empathy is the same as rich people who never help anyone~who never give & share... But, understanding & empathy cannot be there if we haven't had a positive way of thinking. Why do we have to have understanding & empathy within us? Because those 2 things will keep us still have our pure inner feeling (nurani). Because i've seen lots of people around me who lost their pure inner feeling, lost the principle they hold during these time, lost what we've called 'sincere friendship' when money & ego has come within.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Money's Value

Some people have no choice for their life's role. They hv to do something coz they hv no choice. We are so lucky coz we hv choices, that's why CHOOSE the RIGHT CHOICE. The money we've earned is not only for buying stuffs nor for self wealthiness, coz lots of rich people do not happy & never satisfaction. They feel like these coz they do not really understand the truth value of money & how to use the money appropriate with its value. They only know that money is for buying stuffs for themselves, for their ego... For me, money has its value & meaningfull when we spend it appropriate with the value behind it, which is to HELP, to PROTECT, & to make HAPPY people around us--people we love & care.. How about u? How do u spend ur money? Have u ever thought like me ? Is there any 'sharing' ingredient in ur heart & blood? For me, the truth happiness is when we CAN & WANT to SHARE (everything) with someone else, especially someone we love & care to make them happy..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Authorized by law

Things did not happen coincidenly. That's not how this world works. Success or failure isnot coincidence. We live in the world that is dominated & authorized by law, not by chance. Everything has happened coz of some reasons. The fact that, this world is full of unhappy person with what they had & earned, and yet they still keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, talking the same things, & taking the same actions everyday. Stop it! Change it!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Memoriam for My Beloved MOM

From my mom, i've learnt to fill days with good memories.. Once we've gone, we will leave good memories to the people we know.. A phrase 'A little moment that's made our life big' is true, like what my mom has done during her life.. Filling our daily day with a litlle good things, with a little spare time for others, with a little helpfull hand, with a little listening, a little compliment, a little good advice, a little quite, and a sincere heart..... These 'little' things that will make our life 'BIG'.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shd take Mom to S'pore ?

Since Mom's passed away (11March 2008) till now, i still feel very deep sad......
Every time some friends (mostly) asked me why i didnot take Mom to see doctor in Spore that time, i've answered it with cool but deep inside me --untill now-- i m wondering... Maybe they were right that i shd take Mom to Spore that time.... Maybe if i took Mom to see doctor in Spore, she still lived with us, we still could eat her cook, heard her voice........
Although few friends also told me that i have done my best & couldnot do anything that time, coz Mom's artery's block was her big arteries which was very risk for her ~ even to fly to Spore ~ coz anytime could be burst & danger her life.... maybe they only comforted me so i wouldn't feel regret... Although my fren also told me not to hear any comment nor suggestion from people who can only talk now when everything has passed, who didnot know exactly how it was going on that time, who didnot attend that time what it was going on, who can only gave comments though they arenot a doctor, yet deep inside me-- i regret for not taking Mom to Spore to see the best doctor there ... Maybe i shd take Mom fly to Spore that time....

Mom has gone forever..

11 March 2008 at 12.20 Mom has left me forever... I thought Mom would stay with me till very old enough... It's almost a month since Mom's gone, but still i often cry alone at nite.. Sometimes i hide myself & cry.. My heart so hurt .. Still across into my mind why mom has given up so easily, why she didnot fight it for us, why she didn't want to c my bros' marriage... I m trying to be tough in front of bros.. I m trying to look tough in front of others..
Just now, after i read my youngest bro's blogger, i m crying ... i cannot stand it.. I feel that i haven't done my best when Mom was sick to make Mom survived & lived longer.... My youngest bro is so lucky, at least he has ever hugged Mom twice & said that he loves Mom.. I have never had chance telling her that I love her so much...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How weak & powerless we are..

My mom got heart attach on 3rd March 2008. It's very shock me, coz Mom was the most healthiest person i've ever known. She did all house work herself & she sang like singer almost everyday.... The doctor did catheter & put 2 rings on her on 8th March.. I thought she was going home soon. But, on the 10th March early in the morning she got another heart attach... Doctor said it was very dangerous for her.. The 2nd heart attach has made me worry.. The doctor did something to her again and it took quite a long time.. (I could motivate myself on her 1st heart attach, but this 2nd heart attach has made me down & i got uncomfortable feeling).. After the doctor's finished, she was sent to ICU again. For hours she's still 'slept' & her blood pressure's too low, i kept comforting myself... When waiting for her, i was thinking how weak a human is.. And when I was thinking how powerless we are, i became angry. Angry to our limitness.. I was thinking that we have to have our own care & power.. There's a unique work of our nature. Whether we r a good person nor a religious person, yet illness & sudden death still can visit us.. And when the illness has time to visit us, we have to prepare our money, our time, our mentality & our energy.. And when that time's come, we more realize the value of money, time & health.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Idea World

This world is unreal, uneternal, and always change. Idea world is the truth world. The unreal/ sense world is only the shadow of the idea world. Say an example, a tree. In this world got lots of kind of tree. Those trees are not the same each other. Not only the shape is difference, it also does not eternity. Tree grows, dies, and extinct. But the idea about tree is remain...
(by Plato)

NO One Own Ur Life

NO one
own your life. You study hard/ work hard for your own future, your own good, your own life. No one will pay for your food, no one will pay for your healthcare, no one will pay for your pension cost, and no one will pay for your living cost... If you are very clever & smart, very diligent, your life will be easier. You will have comfortable & luxurious car for working, big & luxurious house for living, lots of nice & exotic places to visit for leisure... So, start planning your life NOW. The decision of what life you want to have is in your own hand. THE SKY HAS LIMIT BUT KNOWLEDGE HAS NO LIMIT. So, keep learning & upgrading yourself. Remember, YOU OWN YOUR LIFE

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Up grade

Always upgrade urself by NOT sticking to ur habit ~Veron

Who can hurt ur heart so much?

Why are you sad?
Why aren't you happy?
When does the heart feel heavy?
When someone hurts our heart....

Who can hurt ur heart so much?
Who is the heart close to?
With whom the heart feels happy.....
You were happy, that's why you are sad...........


"Manage your time, don't waste it.
Once u regret, u cannot ask it back" ~Veron

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hard work beats talent,
Finding talent takes hard work

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Time Flies

Last February 6th 2008, my sis in law was cremated. Before the process, the coffin was put in the middle of the space in front of us. Saw that coffin in front of us, i was thinking... TIME FLIES... All the human being will end at the same place, inside the coffin. And all the human being was also born at the same condition, naked. The difference is how we fill our time during our life. Would we want to be part of the group who always regret their life because they do nothing for their selves nor for others when laying down waiting for death? When that time's come, all is too late and useless. All human being is given the same assets by God, which is TIME, 24 hours per day. Some are called faster by God, but they have maximized their time during their life. And some are given longer life by God, they live till old, but they spend their time for nothing, even some use their time for hurting others...
Mostly people claim they love their family. If you claim the same thing, have you loved yourself? How could one loves others when one doesnot love one's self? If you've loved yourself, have you do and give your self best? By doing and giving your best for yourself, indirectly you also do and give your best for all the people you love! Remember, TIME FLIES. Don't let yourself regretful when you are dying and have no more time. Don't let yourself go just like that without do and give your best to all the people you love.....