Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Money's Value

Some people have no choice for their life's role. They hv to do something coz they hv no choice. We are so lucky coz we hv choices, that's why CHOOSE the RIGHT CHOICE. The money we've earned is not only for buying stuffs nor for self wealthiness, coz lots of rich people do not happy & never satisfaction. They feel like these coz they do not really understand the truth value of money & how to use the money appropriate with its value. They only know that money is for buying stuffs for themselves, for their ego... For me, money has its value & meaningfull when we spend it appropriate with the value behind it, which is to HELP, to PROTECT, & to make HAPPY people around us--people we love & care.. How about u? How do u spend ur money? Have u ever thought like me ? Is there any 'sharing' ingredient in ur heart & blood? For me, the truth happiness is when we CAN & WANT to SHARE (everything) with someone else, especially someone we love & care to make them happy..

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