Saturday, May 3, 2008

Whoever u are, wherever u are, there are people just like u

Whoever u are, wherever u are, there are people just like u all over the world.
Their skin, their homes, their schools, & their land maybe different from yours. Their lives & their words maybe different from yours. But inside..., their hearts are just like yours, whoever they are, wherever they are all over the world. Their smiles are like yours & their laugh just like u. Their hurts are like yours & they cry like u, too, whoever they are, wherever they are, all over the world.

When we are older, we maybe different, wherever u are, wherever they are, in this big~wide world. But remember this:
JOYS are the same & LOVE is the same.
PAIN is the same & BLOOD is the same.
SMILES are the same & HEARTS are just the same,
wherever they are, wherever u are, wherever we are, all over the world.

~Bring PEACE all over the world starting from YOU (^.~)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
